

Fablab Winam 2019


My final project is a led-lamp with a 3D printed lamp shade, i will use 2 difffrent types of sensors
1. Light sensor - will only light brighter when there is darkness and dimmer when there is natural source of light
2. Motion sensor - Will sence anybodies presence around and lights on and vice versa


What does it do?

Since it is a reading lamp it will assists in making reading easier as the glare is minimized.

Who’s done what beforehand?

I came across this project in Youtube ( )and i found it so intresting that could help my younger sister in studyng

What did you design?

1.lamp shade using fusion 360 and 3D printed it
2. Board for my led

I have designed the 3D printed structure to attach the led strip. The design was done using Inventor


Board use to arrange my LED


I also use the board i designed in week 12 for sensor and led control. LED


What materials and components were used?

1.LED stripe
3.LED attaching structure
4.LED Stand

Where did they come from?

Most of the components came from Fab> I only bought the power supply fro a nearby electrical shop

How much did they cost?

The power supply cost ksh 300

What parts and systems were made?

1.Housing structure for my sensors
2.Lamp structure is made with CNC Machine.
3.Lamp shade 3D printing.
4.Touch sensor board and led control board are made by milling and soldering.

What processes were used?

1.2D desing for the structure
2.3D printing and 3D design for the led shade
3.Electronics design, milling and soldering for the microcontroller.
4. Eagle to design my board

How was it evaluated?

Since i am using two sensors that is motion sensor - when somebody get closer to the lamp it lights
PIR sonsor- when there is darkness it lights brighter and vice versa


I used wondershare video editor